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Climate Change and Its Expression in Koillismaa

What Does Climate Change Mean and What Causes It 

Climate change means global warming driven by increase in emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The most significant greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Coal, oil, and natural gas consumption is the main source of these emissions. 

Observations of Climate Change 

Climate change is most clearly indicated by series of observations covering several years. Due to annual range of fluctuation, the change cannot be observed within one year. However, if you look at the direction of development in decades-long series of observations, the changes are apparent. 

Series of Observations in Koillismaa 

The River Oulankajoki Ice Cover Period  

Oulanka Research Station has been monitoring the freezing and melting of ice on the Oulankajoki since 1966. During that time, the ice cover period on the Oulankajoki has shortened by 50 days. 

Snow Cover Period 

The snow cover period has been monitored at Kiutaköngäs meteorological station since the winter of 1966-1967. During the monitoring, the snow cover period has shortened by 15 days. 

Migratory Bird Arrival in Spring 

The first observations of spring arrival of migratory birds is saved in the Tiira System. Based on the series of observations, migratory birds have advanced their spring arrival.